Where Kids Become Entrepreneurs!

Lemonade Day offers a free animated, interactive app - My Lemonade Day - that helps kids earn money and develop an entrepreneurial mindset through a 4-module experiential learning program.

Kids follow Lemmy and friends through 4 modules, 21 lessons

Complete activities & earn badges

Watch videos & slideshows

Set goals & make business decisions


Digital Payments

My Lemonade Day Pro will provide an enhanced version of the current free My Lemonade Day app experience. As kids work through the learning content and prepare to open for business, families can make in-app purchases to unlock additional features.

Collect digital payments at lemonade stand business

Funds Transfer

Transfer funds directly to bank accounts


Purchase discounted materials for lemonade stand business

Community Service

Streamline community service hour documentation

Communication Tools

Communicate with other Lemonade Day families


How it works

Download the app

Child enjoys free learning content, builds their business plan, designs stand

Parent/caregiver receives updates on child's progress and what they may need help with

Enhance the experience with in-app upgrades

Setup stand & sell lemonade!

Kids learn...


goal setting


financial literacy

business skills




What do parents have to say?

Communication and
math skills

Positive, educational, fun

Lessons for life

My husband and I enjoyed supporting our sons in participating and encouraging them in Lemonade Day. It was such a positive, educational, fun, and real life experience for us all.

The program was excellent in educating the kids about the business side of a lemonade stand. The lists and preparations led to planning with a purpose. With that goal-oriented guide, the kids took ownership and grew in confidence.

Lemonade Day is wonderful. I recommend all parents allow their children to participate. It teaches lessons they can use for the rest of their lives.

Tallahassee, Fl


Hammond, LA


Tuscaloosa, AL


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